Friday, October 30, 2009

The 6th day - J

I only have these crappy photos because i just moved....once i get a scanner i will replace them with high quality images

Monday, October 26, 2009

Comic #5 - B

Where is this going? We don't even know!

4th Amigo - J

And the plot begins to thicken!

-J specializes in drawing female anatomy. Specifically the eyes.

Numero Tres - B

The ball begins to roll...

-Gettin' hungry

Second Post - J

Here goes J's 2nd page. Panels are separated for easier reading:

-That last panel is pretty gross.

Premiere - B

This here is the first post of a series of stories and comics made by two collaborating artists. The process goes: Artist 1 makes the first page of the story. Artist 2 makes the second page. Artist 1 makes the third page. And so forth. One day we hope to expand the number of artists and who knows? It could be soon.

Here's the first page!

-Yes! First one!